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#IOA2025 Event Terms, Conditions, and PoliciesPlease be sure to fully review all of the policies before registering.All event #IOA2025 Conference participants must read and follow applicable policies. Registration PoliciesOnline RegistrationOnline registration will close on 31 March 2025. Walk-in registration will be available onsite. PaymentIOA accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and checks made payable to the International Ombuds Association, in US Dollars only. Pre-Registration PolicyTo be considered pre-registered, your registration, changes, or replacement must be received by 30 March 2025. After this date, you must register onsite. Cancellation PolicyAll cancellation requests received on or before 10 March 2025, will be issued a refund less a $75 processing fee. No refunds will be given thereafter except in the event of extenuating circumstances such as severe illness. Requests for registration cancellation must be submitted in writing via email to info@ombudsassociation.org. Substitute attendees will be permitted, as long as both attendees are of the same registration type. Substitution requests must be in writing via email to info@ombudsassociation.org no later than 10 March 2025. Nonpayment PolicyFull payment of conference registration fees is required on or before arrival at the conference. If full payment has not been remitted, the registration will be canceled. DressDress for the entire conference is business casual. We recommend you dress in layers, bringing a sweater or light jacket as rooms may be cold. Subject to Change or CancellationAll Conference and Pre-Conference Sessions are subject to change and/or cancellation. IOA will notify registered attendees of the cancellation or rescheduling of the Conference and/or Pre-Conference Sessions in their entirety. IOA reserves the right to cancel and/or revise the Conference schedule of sessions and conference activities at any time. Non-North American AttendeesIf you are planning to attend the conference and require a visa for entrance into the United States, please be advised that the processing time to secure a visa has substantially increased due to security issues. Consulates in some countries are now taking several months to process visa applications. Take this into consideration and allow enough time for visa processing. See the notice from the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs. IOA requires proof of registration before we will issue a letter of invitation for visa applications and you may request an invoice when you complete your online registration. Forward your registration confirmation to the IOA office with your request for a letter of invitation if one is required. Speaker PresentationsSince you can’t possibly attend all the wonderful programs we have planned for the IOA Annual Conference, your registration includes, at no extra cost, access to the speaker presentations that are submitted to the IOA office. All available speaker presentations will be posted online and/or in the conference app for registered/paid attendees to access. Consent to Use of Photographic Images and Audiovisual RecordingsRegistration and attendance at, or participation in, IOA’s Annual Conference and other activities constitute an agreement by the registrant to IOA’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities. Registrants will have the opportunity, while taking the registration form, to request that their photo not be published. Code of Conduct for All ParticipantsIOA events are community events intended for education, networking, and collaboration. We value the participation of everyone and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout all events hosted in the IOA space. To make clear what is expected, all attendees, speakers, organizers, and volunteers at any event are required to conform to the Organizational Values and Community Norms. Examples of encouraged behavior that contributes to a positive environment include:
We do not tolerate the following:
Addressing Concerning Behavior: There are many ways to resolve complaints and concerns. IOA supports resolving issues at the lowest level possible, including self-resolution and informal resolution with the support of the IOA ombuds. IOA also recognizes that certain behaviors and experiences require the support of a formal process. Any IOA Participant who reasonably believes that another Participant has engaged in unacceptable behavior or conduct may pursue a more formal option by filing a formal complaint using the IOA Complaint and Concern Policy and Procedures. IOA OmbudsThe IOA Ombuds can provide assistance with the full range of issues or concerns relating to their ombuds practice and the profession including, among others:
The IOA Ombuds will be available to participants onsite at the Annual Conference as well as virtually before and after the Conference. Ombuds TerminologyThe term “ombudsman” may be used during this event, the term ombudsman is used to communicate to the widest possible community and is not intended to discourage others from using alternatives. IOA respectfully acknowledges that many practitioners use alternative forms of this word. Ethics & Standards of PracticeThe organizational ombuds is mindful of the Standards of Practice and the IOA Code of Ethics. An ombuds should not use the names of individuals or mention their employers without express permission. The ombuds, as a designated neutral, has the responsibility of maintaining strict confidentiality concerning matters that are brought to their attention unless given permission to do otherwise. The ombuds holds all communications with those seeking assistance in strict confidence except in the presence of an imminent threat of serious harm. We hold these principles to be essential in all professional discussions including those at the conference. Consent to Receive Communications from IOARegistering/attending this event constitutes consent for the IOA to communicate with you via fax, email, mail, text messaging, instant messaging, and social media to make you aware of products and services. DisclaimerWhile these programs are designed to provide accurate information regarding the subject matter covered, the views, opinions, and recommendations expressed are those of the authors and speakers, not the IOA. By producing publications and sponsorship of this event, the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information disseminated and is not engaged in rendering professional advice; if such advice is desired, you should seek the services of a competent professional. Antitrust ComplianceIt is the undeviating policy of IOA to comply strictly with the letter and spirit of all federal, state, and applicable international trade regulations and antitrust laws. Any activities of IOA or IOA-related actions of its officers, directors, or members, that violate these regulations and laws are detrimental to the interests of IOA and are unequivocally contrary to IOA policy. Intellectual Property RightsAll content on the IOA website, such as presentations, algorithms, program code, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of IOA or its suppliers and is not to be used for personal gain, publication, and cannot be used without referencing IOA and the source of the information. Event Terms, Conditions, and Policies for SponsorsSponsorship PaymentFull payment for sponsorship and marketing packages is required with the completed contract to receive benefits. Sponsorship CancellationIOA must be notified in writing in the event of sponsorship cancellation. If cancellation occurs prior to 10 March 2025, the sponsor will be refunded 50% of the payment received. After10 March 2025, no refunds will be made. Copy & Content Regulations: